Since its start MADE TO MEASURE has been constantly changing, developing, branching out and expanding. What was planned as an interactive website only has become an impressive cross-media art work. Without our partners, this ambitious data experiment could never have been realised in the complex artistic form in which it has now been implemented. Here we would like to give them the opportunity to say a few words about this project and the topics it discusses.
WDR - Editorial Department Documentation/Culture and History
"The filmmakers hit the nail on the head in their documentary "Made to Measure - Eine digitale Spurensuche": Our online data make us transparent, they are the commodity of the present, the gold of our time. The dark facets of dealing with personal data and questions are brought to our attention. However, Big Data can also be used for the common good. Preventive behavioural manipulation in a positive sense. This is where a whole new discourse must begin, and this film provides an important impetus for this. The filmmakers of Laokoon thus tie in with their successful film THE CLEANERS and once again show that they recognise the urgent issues of the time - they once again prove to be seismographs for the opportunities and risks in the digital transformation.”
- Christiane Hinz & Jutta Krug, WDR Editorial Department Documentation /
Culture and History
"The initiative project MADE TO MEASURE, which we funded and which Laokoon and the Federal Cultural Foundation have since developed together, began in summer 2019. It deals with the mechanisms of big data and questions of self-determination of the digitally active individual in a novel way. MADE TO MEASURE combines various art forms, innovative digital storytelling and interaction, scientific analysis and investigative research. The art project about the nature of data-driven capitalism of our days promises to effectively trigger social and philosophical reflection and debate about the threat to freedom and autonomy of the individual, the cornerstones of our enlightened self-understanding as modern human beings. 
MADE TO MEASURE is both artistical and experimental avant-garde as well as accessible to a broad audience.
- Friederike Tappe-Hornbostel, Head of Communication of the Federal Cultural Foundation
WDR - Programme Area Internet
"How well does Google know us? What secrets - even intimate ones - can be derived from how we move around on the internet, from what we search? Very concrete questions that make the importance of data protection tangible. Made to Measure manages to bring this abstract topic to life. Technical backgrounds are explained in an understandable way and cleverly integrated into the story of the data donor and the digital double. The web project flows thanks to its great dramaturgy and has a surprise to offer at the end - we were happy to support Made to Measure."
- Michael Kaes, WDR Programme area Internet
OSZE - Beauftragte für die Freiheit der Medien
"We live in a world in which we are constantly tracked and observed by powerful companies in order to present us information - and advertising - in a profit-oriented and algorithmically determined manner. In this world of constant surveillance - whether by corporations or by states - preserving our right to freedom of opinion and expression is paramount. Made to Measure powerfully illustrates how constant surveillance of our data affects who sees what and when - and how our actions and thoughts can be manipulated as a result (or: "how this affects our actions and thoughts"). We are pleased to co-produce and support this important project. We are currently working in the OSCE on comprehensive recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence in line with human rights, and I am convinced that Made to Measure will make a significant contribution to its development."
- Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
"The project convinced us right from the start. Both in terms of the artistic ambition, as well as the digital implementation and the investigative processing of the traces we all leave behind on the internet. It simultaneously elicits a shudder, but is also an intelligent lesson for our future behaviour in the digital search engines. And who knows, maybe this project is also a contribution to data not only being used monetarily in the future, but also as a warning system and as a help for all our problems that we reveal so freely in the digital world.”
- Sven Wälti, Head of Film SRG/SSR
“For PACT as an interdisciplinary collective of artists and production house, the combination of art, science and technology and artistic research into contemporary issues is an important programmatic guideline. For this reason, too, it was a great pleasure for us to accompany the artists of Laokoon in their research process and to support them in the performative realisation of their equally fascinating and stirring work. The real possibilities of the commercial exploitation of our personal data have long been beyond the imagination of the individual. The online data industry is one of the most lucrative and obscene of our time. Social networks and search engines know our weaknesses and desires better than partners, friends and family. How can an awareness of these invisible strategies of commercialisation and active manipulation of the private emerge? How can subversive, resistant strategies be developed? Laokoon do not offer simple answers here, but with their involving, artistic realisation they encourage us to become active together in a self-determined way."
- Stefan Hilterhaus, Artistic Director, PACT Zollverein